Social Marketing is Changing
There once was a time, long, long ago in the distant past of social media – last year - when brands used social media to spread their message: Post, analyse likes and shares, and post again. Their target audience read their post, and if they felt connected, they’d leave a comment, not expecting, nor receiving a response. Fast-track to the present, and consumer expectations have changed due to new social tools and platforms, the overwhelming stream of consumable data being offered up, and the consumers’ evolving consumption habits. Consumption has evolved and the consumer is now not solely relying on social media as an information channel, but a forum to engage back to the brand. As a result, social media marketing must mature and evolve with it. We are seeing some major shifts in many organisations, realising that a customer-centric mentality across every touch point is becoming the standard. Unfortunately, in many other organisations, we’re not seeing ...