The Number One Way To Get Google's Attention

There are still many businesses that do not have a blog, or some form of editable article format that can be referenced to in their marketing.


Either they think it’s too hard to come up with articles, or they didn’t plan for blog functionality when they built their website.

YOU MUST BE BLOGGING! The benefit of having a blog on your website or funnel is so you can continually add new content to it.

Let’s look at it like this: You have a product or service and are trying to attract new customers. You have a few options to get in front of them.
  • If you have an email list, you can email them and tell them how wonderful your product/service is and give them a link to visit it. Question: How many times are they going to be interested in receiving this before they get bored?
  • You can post or advertise a message about your product/service, maybe using an engaging image and hope that it gets seen, let alone shared. Challenge: It needs to be unique and seriously engaging to get the viewer to click through.
  • OR you can copy the link from your recently written article and post it to a relevant audience – by email, organic social post, or targeted social advertising. Result: They click the article snippet, or ‘read more’ link, and are taken directly to your website.

Recently I published an article about the 9 Key Components To Attract New Customers Through Great ContentIt received over 900 views on my blog in a few days. That article discussed how you can create great content easily, an area I go into in beneficial detail in my Digital Content ToolboxDigital Content Toolbox.

However, below I focus on the component of Blogging and why it is such a critical part of your marketing. The following 5 elements of blogging are the ingredients of good blog/article content and as a result can engage your audience organically (without cost).


Hopefully you’ve heard the term SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of getting traffic (your audiences eyeballs) from the “free”, “organic”, “editorial” or “natural” search engine results. In other words, what appears in the search engines (SERP’s : Search Engine Results Page) is ranked based on what those SERPs consider most relevant to their users.

How does this relate to having blog articles on your website? Not so long ago there were many ways to get through the SEO minefield but they have evolved considerably over the last couple of years, and many won’t work anymore. The search engines have brought SEO relevance back to their control, they are calling the shots now and for good reason: They want the most relevant information presented to their searchers.


Years ago, you used to be able to throw keywords anywhere into an article and they would get noticed, but the Search Engines have changed their algorithms so you now have to be more strategic, weaving your keywords into carefully constructed sentences. Otherwise you will be penalised by the search engines.

One thing that is still very relevant in SEO tactics is blogging. If you want to increase your websites’ traffic and visibility you must be blogging on your website. If you’re not – start now.


Another change to Google, and other SERP’s, is that “fresh content” matters. New, and fresh, content gives you the opportunity to add new keywords to your website, giving you a new opportunity to be found. And almost more importantly it gives your audience (readers, visitors, users) a reason to re-visit your website.


Whenever you create new content on your website/blog, you must share it with your Social Media channels. The benefit here is twofold.

Firstly, it gives you a broader reach through your existing audience, and Secondly it has the likelihood of being shared back through the same social media channels as well as cross-pollinating other channels. For example, if I was to share on Facebook, my post may well be shared on Instagram, Twitter or Google+.

Google, and the other search engines pick up on these “social signals” and give you a higher “site authority” ranking, potentially pushing you higher up SERP rankings.

One social platform you must never ignore posting to is Google+ (Google Plus). Because it’s Google’s own social media channel they are going to take notice of what is posted to it, and rank accordingly.

This is a category unto itself, which I cover in detail in my Digital Content Toolbox.


Your posts must be relevant to your product or service and most definitely must be relevant to your audience if you want them to take notice. Feel free to include a link or two to some other relevant article or product/service whether it’s yours or someone else’s, as Google does like cross-linking. Just don’t be spammy or you will be penalised.

By creating regular relevant content, you will quickly build up a good library of articles that you can refer to, recycle down the track, and re-use from time to time. Posted online content has a relatively short life so it doesn’t hurt to recycle and repost every now and then. That said, if your article is relevant to continued SERP’s it will stay high on the rankings no matter how old it is.


I am Rogan Carroll, a 30+ year marketer and entrepreneur, and I have opened my Digital Content Toolbox to entrepreneurs, startups, small business owners, established content managers and everyone in between.

Inside the Toolbox I explain in detail how to create engaging content:- The key elements of designing good content that will engage your audience and existing customers.

I have developed content-heavy informational videos giving you all the tools you will need to be able to create engaging visual content for any and all of your marketing channels: website, blogs, videos and social posting.

You'll also get access to a Link File with the direct clickable links to the best tools to help you create content: Quality - Engaging - Quick - Free

My 30 years of experience have led me to knowing what works and what you don’t have to spend money on. Do you have a pen and paper? Write this down: "Tools that you don’t have to spend money on."

Do you want to make your job easier, save time and money and become more productive? Thought so. Watch my introductory video and get access to the Digital Content Toolbox.

For more information on attracting new customers visit: 


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